Political Correctness or Censorship?

Is it time to start listening to the other side? Absolutely.



Jackson Heller, Staff Reporter

2018 has been a politically charged year on both the left and the right. However, in recent months, it’s more apparent that those on the left are taking a more physical approach. From protest groups like Antifa (Anti-Fascist) and BLM (Black Lives Matter), radical members from these groups are attacking those they disagree with. Obviously, in a country like America, free speech is allowed; however, and the Supreme Court would agree, speech condoning violence or inciting as much isn’t allowed.

An example, in recent time, would be Steven Crowder and the threat of firebombing his van from a left-leaning activist. This came as a response to Crowder’s comments on gender and how he believes it works. The activist, identified in their preferred group, took offense and called for violence. Or, on an even more recent occasion, the protests by Antifa against Candance Owens and Charlie Kirk, both notable conservative speakers who discuss the ideologies of conservatism, were shouted at and had water thrown on them. Conversation and debate is, and should always be, welcomed in public spaces, but this should not include the censorship of certain viewpoints. The protests, such as the activist threatening violence, come as a response to the unapologetic nature of these speakers.

We must revere the right to have a political debate because that is freedom of thought. So, if there is one thing to learn, it’s to listen; and to listen intently.

Another example of conservative censorship is on school campuses, with speakers like Ben Shapiro, who hold strong opinions but are always welcome and up for debate. Both Shapiro and the campuses hold strong, differing political opinions. So why is Shapiro forewarned? Well, as some campuses have stated, he isn’t “politically correct” and, in a world that is continually diversifying and changing, it feels as though a new rule is in place every other day. UC Berkeley, a Californian university has put out a statement saying that Shapiro was to appear and to accommodate those who might feel offended they’ve released a statement detailing ways for students to avoid Shapiro’s opinions. From speaking on campus due to the content in his lectures; of which only includes the arguments and counter-arguments for political alignments. At the end of his lectures, he also holds an open debate.

Shapiro, like myself and other right-leaning people, feels as though there is something wrong with that system. The system in question is the institution of those rules, and the failure to be followed up, with intolerant retaliation; or as some may call it “social justice”. A modern version of socialism.

While we should respect others, we should also be allowed to offer our opinions because politics are surrounded by opinion. However, we on the right must take it upon ourselves to hear out those who are willing to have an open conversation; and we must draw a line as to what mainstream liberalism is. It isn’t all Antifa or other radical protest groups; there is a majority of rational thinking people. But ultimately, no matter your opinion on political issues, we should all be proud to be American. We must revere the right to have a political debate because that is freedom of thought. So, if there is one thing to learn, it’s to listen; and to listen intently.