Aiming Towards Woodford’s Archery Team

A feature on the WCHS archery teams.

Kristen Bailey

Archers line up at the 15-meter line to release their first practice shot.

As the winter sports season advances, the Woodford Archery teams are in full swing with tournaments almost every weekend and weekly practices. The Woodford Archery JV and Varsity teams both had a tournament at Woodford County Middle school on February 1st, and Woodford ended up winning. The archery teams practice twice a week so that they can be well prepared for their tournaments.

  • Archery sign helps people know where they need to go to watch the tournament.

  • Archers receive their arrows after the 10-meter round. Their shooting partners write their scores down on the scorecard as they go.

  • Woodford archers line up before the tournament starts. Coach Cheek gives the archers directions as to what they do after each whistle is blown.

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In the following video, three members of the WCHS archery team were interviewed regarding what they enjoy most in archery and their goals for the rest of the season.  Check it out for a look into what it means to be an archer!