Beating the Winter Blues

How to stay positive and productive in the winter months

(Image via Simone Golob)

(Image via Simone Golob)

Catie Heerman, Staff Reporter

January, February, March- three months of grey skies, cold weather, and negative mindsets. Feeling down in these winter months? You are definitely not alone. Though this block of time is seemingly infinite, spring is on it’s way. However, until then, there are ways to keep spirits high and life on track for the future.

  • Plan and Organize

Planning and organizing is certainly easier said than done. However, keeping a calender of events in the future or a planner will make it significantly easier to keep track of the days. By writing things down in a planner, keeping important dates and events organized becomes much easier as you can physically count the days. Additionally, making cute and creative planners can be really fun. Keeping track of your grades is also important. Utilize Infinite Campus and stay on top of due dates.

  • Set Goals

Setting goals for the future is something most people talk about doing, but few people actually do. Few things are more satisfying than achieving a long-term goal. Whether your goal is a high GPA or just becoming more positive, know that it can be achieved. But don’t let me preach to you, go see for yourself.

  • Find Something New That You Enjoy

In these dull winter months, it can be easy to forget that there are still things to do. Try to find something new that you enjoy. This can be something small, like drawing or listening to music. This could also be something more involved, such as volenteer work or joining a club. One thing that I really enjoy is taking pictures with my friends.

  • Appreciate The Little Things

Finding something enjoyable does not necessarily require doing something totally new. There are so many small things that go fully unnoticed on a daily basis. If things are going badly, relax. Treat yourself every once in a while. Do something nice for someone else, no matter how small.

  • Know That Things Will Improve

Things may be rough right now, but rest assured that things will improve. Spring is approaching quickly and winter will soon be over. Let yourself relax a bit, but keep in mind important dates in the future.

While all of these tips are helpful ideas, your success during these dull winter months is ultimately up to you. Remember to keep your head up.