Detox Water. Does It Change That Much?

What do you really get out of drinking infused water?

Detox Water. Does It Change That Much?

In my last article, I explained how to create fruit and vegetable infused water, but are you gaining any extra nutrients out of drinking it?

Any health guru will tell you that drinking fruit infused water will help you lose weight and will give you clear skin. But that’s not necessarily true. While a few nutrients might drain into your drink, there is only a slight nutritional boost.

To get more of a benefit from the fruit in your infused water, you have to actually consume the fruit. Though, most fruits that have been soaking in water for hours at a time aren’t all that delicious anymore. But instead of tossing them out, you can simply add them to a fruit smoothie along with some fresh produce.

Lemon Water Benefits || Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning
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What are the actual benefits of drinking flavored water then?

Our bodies are 60% water, helping our bodies promote proper blood circulation, food digestion and elimination, temperature regulation, and the flow of nutrients. Dehydration kicks in after not drinking enough water. When dehydration kicks in you’ll feel tired, achy, crampy, and constipated. Your skin starts to show it, and it only gets worse from there.

Really, all fruit-flavored infused water is doing is causing you to drink more water, which leads to the other effects that the people live by. Water is used in your body to remove toxins and waste, and removing those elements will leave you with clear skin. Along with that, water is more filling so it leaves you feeling refreshed and full, reducing the amount of junk you consume.

So the real question is, how much water should you drink?

To answer this question you have to take into account a number of different factors; activity level, where you live, and your health as a whole. According to the Mayo Clinic, clear or light yellow urine is a good sign that you’re drinking the right amount of water.

Stay hydrated this 2018!

For more information about this topic:

Interested in making your own infused water recipes? Check out my last article!