What the end of the School year means to you

There is less than a week left in school, which means many different things for many different groups of people. For the teachers, this means a relative break from the stress of daily interactions with rowdy teenagers and the beginning of the planning for a new year. For all the athletes, this means that the seasons are coming to a close, and the year of athletic excellence at Woodford County High School will hopefully be continued next year. For seniors like me, this is the last week before we all graduate on Saturday the 27th, and will move on to bigger and better things. For Juniors, the beginning of the end is coming soon, with the last year of school creeping up behind them, All the underclassmen really aren’t affected except for the new school year.  While this year is coming to a close, the memories from the year made will last for a long time to come.

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