A Conversation with WCHS Social Studies Teacher, Mr. Lewis
Mr. Lewis sits down to talk about his goals in teaching and reflect on his years at WCHS.
Mr. Lewis smiles outside of his classroom.
Mr. Lewis has been teaching social studies at Woodford County High School for 13 years. He attended the University of Kentucky to study Anthropology and later went back to receive his Master’s in Social Studies Education. He was recently awarded the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program Reward for his achievements in teaching. This award will give him the opportunity to visit another country and become immersed in their educational system.
Aside from his accomplishments in teaching, Mr. Lewis has gained popularity among students. He even has his own fan page on Instagram. I first met Mr. Lewis my sophomore year when I took AP Government and Politics and Sociology. I found myself becoming very involved in these classes, and I found a new appreciation for my education. I had the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Lewis and ask him a few questions about his career and tell him the impact his classes have had on me.

Kendall Edmonds is a senior at WCHS. In her spare time, she likes hanging out with her friends in empty parking lots, baking, and watching movies. She...