Beautiful Botanicals: Spring at the Arboretum

Take a virtual walk through the Lexington Arboretum and experience what Spring in Kentucky has to offer!

  • Lily Savage (11) captures a photo of a vine-covered gazebo as the sun peaks out from behind its wooden-slats.

  • A dainty group of Bleeding Heart flowers. This beautiful perennial plant is among the poppy family, and is native to Siberia, China, Korea, and Japan.

  • The long-lasting and stunning “Cherokee Brave” Flowering Dogwood blooms. This lovely, relatively-small, tree is native to North America and flowers in early Spring.

  • A stunning bright red Japanese Quince bush. This spring-blooming beauty is known for it’s apple-shaped, golden fruit.

  • A closeup shot of the Cotinus x ‘Grace’ Smoketree, a shrub hybrid with a rich plum-red hue and flowers in late-summer.

  • The small, baby-pink blooms of a Chinese peony. Also known as a common garden peony, these beauties are highly regarded as a flower of beauty and wealth.

  • The deep pink flowers of the Malus Prairie Fire Crabapple tree. The decorative blooms eventually produce small red fruit in the Spring, making for a beautiful warm color palette.

  • A bunch of “lamb’s ear”; a soft-to-the-touch flowering plant that can be used to create an essential oil with a unique chemical profile.

  • A beautiful “peeling bark” tree photographed in dappled light. This tree’s unique bark makes it all the more stunning.

  • The multicolored petals of a fragrant tulip bed. This specific species of tulip resembles a lotus flower, and they are seen as symbols of victory, beauty, and grace.

  • The “Penda” Bloomerang Purple Lilac; a fragrant shrub with gorgeous purple blooms. Its sweet scent and long blooming season attributes to its beautiful character.

  • A sweet, fragrant patch of bunchflower daffodils, mingling with multicolored-tulips. Don’t let these spring-time beauties fool you, they are highly toxic to animals.

  • A lovely branch of a Japanese cherry tree, blooming beautifully in the sunny spring weather. With over 400 species in the Japanese cherry family, you’re sure to find the perfect attraction for birds to your garden.

  • A vibrant bunch of Siberian bugloss blossoms photographed in the sunshine. These bright blue beauties are also known as forget-me-nots.

  • A perspective shot picturing the long-standing log playground outside the Arboretum Children’s Garden. The well worn logs have been climbed on by young children for years.

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At this point in Spring, flowers have bloomed, the weather is warm (for the most part!), and it’s a perfect time to get outside and explore nature and all its wondrous beauty. Recently, we visited the University of Kentucky Arboretum— a 100-acre public garden located in the heart of Lexington, Kentucky— and took some pictures of the many beautiful trees and flowers. The Arboretum features a paved two-mile loop with native Kentucky plants, multiple gardens with gorgeous flowers, and a children’s garden for education and exploration. If you’re looking for a fun Spring activity for the whole family or with your friends, consider giving the Arboretum and all its stunning botany a visit. 

Things to Know

  • The Arboretum is open for free admission from 8 am to 9 pm
  • Face coverings are strongly encouraged while touring the grounds, especially when you cannot maintain social distancing rules
  • If you would like to use the grounds for a scheduled event, you must submit a request 2 weeks in advance
  • Do not remove flowers and other specimens from the grounds
  • The Arboretum welcomes furry friends, but they ask that you keep them on a leash
  • Professional photographers must register with The Arboretum Office
  • The Arboretum Children’s Garden opens back up on July 1st, 2021