A Sight In Kentucky You Should See!

  • This is a picture of the gift shop that is located inside the Ark.

  • There are more than 3 floors.

  • This is how Noah stored some of the animals’ food inside the Ark.

  • Here is another example of how food was stored.

  • This is how the water was stored.

  • Some stuff you can find in the Gift shop.

  • Noah and his family praying to God.

  • This is how they would grow their plants inside the Ark.

  • Here you can see lots of the items and food they had.

  • This is an example of what it was like before everyone gathered around to eat and have a meeting.

  • They also include the evolution of the Bible and have many different Bibles in all languages in glass things like this one.

  • This is what the door looked like and how big it was.

  • They have this cool map of the world.

  • You can also learn about the many different animals that were inside the Ark.

  • And outside of the Ark there is a zoo where you can see real animals.

  • Here is a picture of llamas.

  • There is also a place where you can take children to play for awhile and a children’s book store next to it.

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Why go to Ark Encounter? Well, my family and I personally went to the Ark and it was an amazing experience. I especially enjoyed how many people from different states travel to Kentucky just to visit the Ark, and how polite the people were there, and the best part was that it not only entertains adults but they also included entertainment for children.

What is the Ark Encounter? 

Ark Encounter features a full-size Noah’s Ark, built according to the dimensions given in the Bible. (510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high.) It is a really nice place to go with friends or family and while exploring you will learn a lot along the way and even get to see real animals at the zoo. The Ark Encounter is located in  Williamstown, Kentucky.

You can always visit https://arkencounter.com/ for more information.

What Will You Learn?

You will learn about how the Ark was made and how living inside the ark was like as well as all the types of animal species that went on board. You will also learn about how the Bible’s word spread through the world and all the many different languages it got translated into.