Student Athletes: How do they do it all?

Interviewing triple-sport freshman athlete, Bryce Patterson, who plays football, basketball, and baseball

Bryce Patterson at the plate.

Tyler Case, Staff Reporter

Student-Athletes have a huge load when it comes to balancing their life and other activities that are important to them. Bryce Patterson, a freshman with a non-stop schedule, shows us how he does it when it comes to balancing those activities.

How do you balance your family, school, and your sports?

“I balance these three things by setting out time for homework and school. If you don’t have the grades you can’t play. Family is the most important thing to me, so getting the most amount of time with them is my favorite thing to do.”

Playing three sports adds up to be a life with non-stop movement and stress. You are going to have a favorite that gets you stress-free for a few hours and just have more enjoyment in the game.”

Out of the three sports you play, what is your favorite sport and why?

“Out of the three sports I play, I would say football is my favorite. I say this because it gives me the most thrill out of the three. I would say that basketball is my least favorite because I’m not as confident [with] basketball [than] with baseball and football.”

Many athletes get ready for games in different ways. What things do you accomplish before the games?

“When it’s a game day, I go home after school, fix pizza rolls, and watch Danny Duncan. When I’m on the bus with my team I like to listen to music as we head to the game. When it comes to my pregame ritual I’m a very superstitious guy. I have the same routine every game day.”

As a player on a team, you have to understand that everyone has a job and a role to play so the team can win and accomplish what it needs to.”

What roles do you play on your teams and what skills do you need to play those positions?

“When it comes to football I play quarterback and defensive back. For basketball, my positions are the point guard and shooting forward. In baseball, I play shortstop and second base. What I love about these positions and the roles in these roles is that it is important to have all the same skills for all of the positions I play. For example, leadership and understanding of the game and physical attributes like speed and agility.”

Playing three sports can give you many opportunities in the games you play. The people you meet, going to new places, and more. What opportunities come to you when you play these sports?

“My favorite opportunities that come to mind is that I get to create a bond and friendships with my teammates, hoping to last forever and to play the sports I love.”

What is the best memory for you as a student-athlete?

“My first touchdown in a varsity game; being able to make a big play for the school I represent is an unforgettable feeling.”

Student-Athletes have a huge load when it comes to balancing their life and other activities that are important to them. Bryce Patterson shows us how he does it when it comes to balancing those activities.