The Biology of a High School: What’s the difference between girls’ and boys’ experiences?

Gender affects many aspects of life–socialization and academics are just a few

Abby Frakes

Chap Hollin (12) and Reagan Caudill (12).

While males and females might seem similar throughout high school, biologically speaking, they are vastly different. There are the obvious effects of puberty, having mass amounts of testosterone coursing throughout the male’s body and mass amounts of estrogen and progesterone coursing through the females. While these hormones cause the body to change and develop into an adult, they also affect both sexes in the classroom.  According to males are more physical in school, need more space to learn, and are not as good as females at writing and reading. Females, however, produce more drama, tend to multitask better, and write with more detail than males.

Males and females are also studied with various social differences in high school. Males in school tend to gravitate more towards large groups, most of the time with some roughhousing, competitive games and sports. While females mainly seek and keep one or two close friends, sharing intimate feelings and information with these individuals. Males are also more likely to speak out during class discussions, even if not being called on, or having much information on the topic.

Speaking of academics, according to the American Psychological Association, females earn higher grades on average to males, even in courses like science and math that males excel in. This does not lead to similar achievements of both sexes, however, even when females earn higher grades than males, they still pick subjects associated with literature and arts. Gender even goes into how teachers criticize and praise students. Males mostly get praised for correct or good knowledge while females get praised for good behavior. Teachers even seem to ignore and overlook certain behaviors. Females have misbehavior overlooked while having incorrect knowledge criticized and males have incorrect knowledge overlooked while misbehavior is criticized.

Even when talking with teachers, females tend to request or want private talks and are more likely to stay to talk to one, while males have more public talks with teachers. This also might relate to the fact that males interact with teachers more than females. When males speak up more frequently and are more likely to have public talks, teachers seem to gravitate towards that more than in females. Then again, it also could relate to the fact that males are seen to produce more mischief than females, so teachers watch them more than females.

That even temperature affects how students learn? Females learn better in warmer environments and males learn better in cooler environments.

With this information, it´s even been argued that males and females should be taught separately in schools. says that ¨single-sex education enhances student success when teachers use techniques geared toward the gender of their students.¨ However, it also states that in co-ed schools the better the academic level of females the better the academic levels of all students regardless of gender. 

In any case, males and females go through many experiences during their high school career. Not just with understanding the difficult emotional changes and experiences, but with social understandings as well. These studies show the first seeds of the differences between the future of genders in the workforce. With these biological and social differences, it could bring more understanding of the two sexes, along with the teachers that could benefit from this knowledge.