Lena Dunham Represents a Major Issue in Modern Feminism

Lena Dunham, along with many other self-proclaimed feminists, continue to distort the original goal of feminism

Lena Dunham Represents a Major Issue in Modern Feminism

Who is Lena Dunham?

Lena Dunham is an American actress who is notorious for playing a radical feminist on the critically acclaimed T.V. show “American Horror Story.” However, she’s not that different from her role in the show. In recent years Denham has become more known for her hypocritical beliefs about feminism and her counterproductive role in activism.

In 2017, actress Ahora Perrineau came forward with her sexual assault allegation against Muarry Miller, to which Lena Dunham discredited her account by claiming she had “insider information” to prove that Miller was innocent. However, Dunham has since admitted to lying about having any secret information. According to CNN, “The Girls creator apologized to actress Ahora Perrineau for publicly disputing her account of being sexually assaulted by the girls’ writer, Murray Miller.”  In her apology she blamed the patriarchy for her own shortcomings, claiming, “I had actually internalized the dominant male agenda that asks us to defend it no matter what, protect it no matter what.”

Modern Feminism vs Radical Feminism

Lena Dunham represents a larger problem happening today in society. Dunham, along with many other self-proclaimed feminists, continues to distort the original goal of feminism by using feminism as an excuse to blame the “male agenda” for their own mistakes. Granted that not every single feminist is like this, the majority of the movement has morphed into prejudice against men.

Lena Dunham represents a larger problem happening today in society. Dunham, along with many other self-proclaimed feminists, continues to distort the original goal of feminism by using feminism as an excuse to blame the “male agenda” for their own mistakes.

As a feminist myself, it makes me upset to see a cause that’s supposed to advocate for the equality of men and women become a joke. Every time I see something about feminism on social media, it’s usually a video of someone like Lena Dunham yelling and screaming about the patriarchy. At some point, radical feminism may have been necessary, however in modern western society, it is counterproductive. We shouldn’t neglect the idea that women can be harmful to our society, as we see with Lena Dunham, anyone regardless of their gender can be problematic.

What We Should Take From This

In our world, we still have a lot of work to do regarding women’s rights, but as long as women like Lena Dunham are representing feminism, the movement will remain a meme. How are people supposed to take feminism seriously if the people who represent the movement are hypocritical?

To keep striving for our goal of equality, we need to work together instead of against. It’s important to remember that men are not the enemy, ignorance is.