The Most Beautiful Places to See in Ireland

Last summer I traveled to Ireland, and here I present the 8 of the most breathtaking places to see there

Robert Sunseri, Staff Reporter

Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

Probably the most popular attraction in Ireland, the Cliffs of Moher is a multi-mile long line of cliffs on the Western coast of Ireland. The views are truly spectacular from many angles. The downside is that thousands and thousands of people come here every hour, but if you go out of your way to take a mile and a half walk along the cliffside to the left of the main parking lot, you will get a million-dollar view with less than one percent of the tourists at the main view site.



Giant’s Causeway

Giant’s Causeway, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

Probably the second most popular attraction in Ireland, Giants Causeway offers a unique geographic anomaly you have to see to believe. The stone naturally forms a hexagonal shape which makes for a breathtaking view. If you can get past the fact that there will be hundreds of tourists at the attraction, it is beautiful and well worth your time if you are planning to head north.



Dunluce Castle

Dunluce Castle, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

This one is for Game of Thrones fans. My parents really enjoy the show and although I have never watched the show, I still enjoyed the castle. Most of the show was filmed in Ireland and Dunluce Castle was the only attraction I was able to see from the show, and it was very enjoyable.



St. Stephen’s Green Park

Man feeding bird, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

Located right in the center of Dublin, St. Stephen’s Green park is beautiful and a great spot to sit down and have some lunch or breakfast. There are many ponds and types of birds living in the park. We saw ducks and swan and many other birds which made some good pictures.



Dublin Streets

Temple Bar area, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

The streets of Dublin are old fashioned and have some beautiful architecture. My favorite street was the one shown above (which I don’t quite remember the name of), but I always loved taking walks around the city.


Dysert O’Dea Castle

Dysert O’Dea Castle, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

Ireland is littered with castles from the middle ages, and one that we found that was truly spectacular was the Dysert O’Dea Castle. We were here in Ireland in the middle of summer and when we stumbled upon this castle there were two cars in the small lot in front of the castle. When I walked into the tower I was greeted by a worker that actually looked like he enjoyed his job. I was sad because the small tour he gave us and the work that the people had put into that place was not reflected by the fact that no one was there. So if you ever decide to go to Ireland, I would highly suggest going to this castle because it is truly a wonderful experience. The exhibition and view from the top of the tower are well worth the trip.



Hillsborough Castle

Hillsborough Castle garden, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

Hillsborough Castle is the official government residence in Northern Ireland. If any important figure comes to Northern Ireland they usually stay in this palace. You can take a tour of the interior which is very beautiful, but what is more beautiful is the many acres of garden and ponds surrounding the palace.



Slieve League

Slieve League cliffs, July 2018. Picture by Robert Sunseri.

Slieve League is known as the tallest coastal cliffs in Ireland. And was by far my favorite place that I went to in Ireland. It is somewhat of a hidden gem as you never hear about it and the most people you will ever see here is 50 (as opposed to the thousands of people you see at the Cliffs of Moher). And If you are more of an extreme adventurer, you can take the “No Man’s Pass” hike across a narrow path atop the cliffs.