Stop Complaining and Start Campaigning
Steps to take to be more engaged with politics
September 27, 2018
Emma Gonzalez, who survived the February 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, is an activist and co-founder of ”Never Again.” She is only 18 years old and has contributed so much to her cause. She has given many speeches and helped organize the “March For Our Lives” rally, which was televised live for millions to see.
Most people believe that you have to be old enough to vote in order to participate in politics; however, that’s not true. Gonzalez showed us that you can be involved in politics even if you are young. There are many ways to utilize your voice to influence the decisions being made around you.
Be Informed
One way you can be involved is to be informed. By being informed about the issues happening around you, you can decide what you want to invest your time in. How can you have an opinion on something if you aren’t aware of the facts? It’s important to have an educated opinion, otherwise, you won’t be taken seriously.
Contact Your Legislators
There is no required age to talk to your legislators about things you are concerned about. Experts recommend phone calls, but you can also write letters. If a legislator hears from the people they are representing, they are more likely to change their position. It is fundamental to contact legislators on both sides of the issue to avoid lobbying. Information about how you can contact your legislators can be found at contact your legislator
Attend Clubs/Rallies
Attending clubs and rallies is another effective way to make your voice heard. Schools often have opportunities to learn more about a candidate, cause or organization. Clubs such as Young Democrats and Young Republicans can be valuable to students looking to be more engaged with politics. You can also express your support or disinterest in a particular cause. You may also want to consider attending the club that you disagree with from time to time to gain a new perspective. Rallies are often organized to express an opinion that isn’t being heard. If you are attending a protest, make sure that it is being done safely. Information about organizing a rally can be found at
If you are a skilled writer, you can express your beliefs in a blog or article. You can have the ability to share your thoughts, improve your writing skills and most importantly, say what you want. The number of publications accepting teens is slowly increasing, online magazines can be a great platform to share your opinions. If you enjoy making videos, you can also share your thoughts and ideas on YouTube, there is no age limit to creating videos. These are good opportunities to start discussions and educate others about topics that affect you. You can find information about how to start a blog at blogging basics 101.