Making Houses Green with Ms. Probst and Class
A tour of WCHS’s greenhouse
Entrance Sign for the WCHS Greenhouse
Jordan Murphy, Staff Reporter
May 18, 2018
Every year at WCHS we have a greenhouse class, and near the end of the year they sell the plants that they grew throughout the year. The teacher of greenhouse class, Ms. Probst, said that, “The greenhouse class is always a success and it lets the students get their hands dirty,” and that, “consumer demand is always a factor in what plants to bring to the greenhouse.” Most of all the students loved working on the greenhouse and would love to do it again if they could. Sadly, the greenhouse closed on the 12th of May this year, but they will bring a great selection back next year!
Walking Into the Greenhouse
Red and Pink Petunias
White Petunias
Dusty Millers
New Guinea Impatiens
Mixed Basket
Dragon Wing Wax Begonia
Specialty Basket
Dark Leaf Begonia