Got Blood?
WCHS holds a blood drive
Escorts walking donors to their buses
May 10, 2018
The blood drive happens 2-3 times a year in order to give every student the opportunity to save lives–THREE lives to be exact. Giving blood is not only helping out your fellow man but is also one of the best reasons to get out of class. It only takes 45 minutes -1 hour, depending on how it goes.
People always say they are afraid of the pain, but honestly, it’s not that bad. Mrs. Fitzpatrick is the adviser who runs the operation. We are one of the top donating schools in Kentucky, but this year, we were short with our blood donations. Our seniors were in New York and our juniors were in D.C. We mainly relied on our older sophomores to supply the amount we were hoping for.

Kentucky Blood Center buses parked outside the bus circle

The runners wait for their next donors to show up
How the Drive Works
The blood drive is a very fun process, whether you are working it or donating. I got the chance to work our beloved blood drive this last time, and it is an eye-opening experience. I am in HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) –a club devoted to the healthcare field. This is our way to give back to the community, and Mrs. Fitz does a great job at organizing these activities. We have runners that get the people from their classrooms to get them and load them on the bus. Our escorts will be assigned a bus and you will be led to one of the buses, where they ask you some questions about your health.
Getting Into the Blood Drive
They are some requirements that you need to fulfill in order to give blood. First, you need to be in good health. You also need to be more than 110 pounds, and if you are 16-17 years old, you must have a form filled out and signed by your parent/guardian, and some form of identification. Most likely your driver’s license.
Your donation helps more than you know! Hope to see you at the next WCHS blood drive!