Farewell Arrow Jackets!
Bidding a fond farewell to the graduating members of the Arrow Jackets
Maddie Hill, Staff Reporter
April 26, 2018
On April 18, the Arrow Jackets met for their end of the season banquet. This year’s season was great for the team and many of us had tons of fun and made new friends.
Now that the season is over, it’s time to say goodbye to some of our favorite people on the team–the seniors. The four seniors on our team have made a big impact on us as a group and have really pulled us all together.
The seniors standing together with their awards. Peter McGowan, Cameron Jackson, Arianna Washington, Zachary Pettyjohn, Coach Cindy and Coach Amanda.
Cameron Jackson receiving his Academic Archer certificate.
There were a lot of hugs and emotions for the graduating seniors. Zachary Pettyjohn giving Coach Amanda a big hug.
Peter McGowan is always camera ready.
Arianna Washington giving Coach Cindy a big hug.
Everyone waiting for Cameron Jackson’s farewell speech.
Peter stands proudly on the stage as the coaches gather his award.
Emma Rockhold giving Zack a high five.
Even after almost four years of listening to the coaches, the seniors don’t tune them out.
Below is Cameron Jackson’s farewell speech. If you have 5 minutes to spare, it is definitely worth it!