Hep A: Are You Protected?
Hep A has been added to the list of required vaccines, along with one other

Image Source: Parents.com
January 30, 2018
Many vaccines are already required. However, another addition has been made that you may not be aware of. There was a new law put in place in December that requires all students to receive the Hepatitis A vaccine before the beginning of the next year. The vaccine is now being required after a recent outbreak in Fayette County, an outbreak that affected around 50 people.
The vaccines have been studied and are safe for kids to have, so there is no reason to worry about getting these shots and getting infected. The vaccine comes in two doses that must be 6 months apart. Because of this, the first does needs to be administered at least by the 17th of February. While it is possible to get this shot at the doctors office, you can also get it at most drug stores that have a clinic such as, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS). Additionally, the school should have sent a letter home to parents on the 19th via the mail.
Along with the Hep A shot, children must also get Meningococcal ACWY vaccine. This vaccine covers most of common types of meningitis that affect children ages 16-23. This shot only has to be administered once so you can get it with either shot of the Hep A vaccine. This is also available at the same drug stores the Hep A vaccine is.
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