Net Neutrality, Has the FCC Gone Too Far?
Net Neutrality was repealed but is not gone yet

Illustration: Bakhtiar Zein/Alamy
January 31, 2018
Net neutrality is a big trending topic, yet many people still have no idea what it actually is.
Net neutrality was a law passed by the Obama administration. The law provided regulations that required internet providers to give equal access to all web content without charging consumers. The regulations keep internet providers from blocking any lawful content, slowing down the transmission of data, and paid prioritization. Paid prioritization is when service providers create an internet fast lane for those who pay premiums, and a slower lane for those who don’t pay.

Ajit Pai, The FCC Chairman
In December, 2017 the FCC repealed Net Neutrality. The FCC is a government agency known as the Federal Communications Commission. Ajit Pai is at the head of the FCC, and is one of the leading forces to repeal net neutrality. “We decided to abandon successful policies solely because of hypothetical harms.” Said Ajit Pai in a speech in April of 2017.
Supporters of repealing net neutrality believe that repealing net neutrality will help the market operate more freely, which allows companies to innovate without the restrictions. People who don’t support the repeal say that many small businesses could loose the ability to reach customers. They believe that internet service providers could block content from opposing political parties.

Net neutrality is a heavily debated topic, both sides are fighting back and forth to get something done. The FCC is being sued by 21 states in an effort to reverse the repeal. Ever since the repeal, the states have fought to keep the rules of the internet in place by signing legislation to keep the restrictions.
Whether you agree or not with either side, net neutrality affects everybody. Leave a comment and tell us where you stand on this subject.