Fight Like a Girl
A women’s rally was held in Lexington on the anniversary of the 2017 Women’s March
Sophia McKee, Staff Reporter
January 31, 2018
“You can’t comb over racism.”
Women dressed as Batman holding sign reading “I should be paid the same as Batman.”
“The future is nasty.”
“Reproductive rights are human rights.”
Shot of the crowd at Fayette Circuit Courthouse.
“Trump is a crap hole”, “I’m with her”, and “Dump Trump.”
Food donations for women’s shelters.
“Women’s rights are human rights.”
“My body my choice” and “No you can’t have my rights! I’m using them.”
“Abort 45 in his 1st term.”
“See what you get when you don’t vote.”
“Just ugh” and “Your vote is your voice. Be heard.”
“We are damsels in defiance.”
“We reject your hate, resist your threats.”
“Eye heart science” (I love science.)
“Because my mom said me too” in reference to the Me Too movement.
Members of the crowd holding up Amy McGrath for Congress signs.
“Girls just wanna have fundamental human rights.”
“Pizza rolls not gender rolls.”
“We the people are greater than fear.”
“Chomp Trump.”
“I live in rural KY, we’re mad too.”
“Women’s rights are human rights.”
Cold weather didn’t stop the crowd.
“Fight like a girl.”
Pink balloon made to look like a cat.
Venus symbol with fist in the middle to represent strength.
“Trump is a bad boy.”
“Trump vote” painted with an outhouse, and “Dreamers are American.”
“I’m with her” written below Lady Liberty.
“Mind your own uterus.”
“Make America kind again.”
“Just say no to hate!”
“We march for the women who cannot use their own voices.”
“A woman’s place is in the resistance” and “Never accept the world as it appears, dare to see what it could be”
“No! Sexism, racism, bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia” and “Hell hath no fury like 157 million women scorned.”
Two young girls with signs “Brave Bold Strong” and “She Persisted.”
“He doesn’t even have a dog” balloon referring to Donald Trump’s lack of pets.
Thousands of people crowded the lawn of the Fayette County Circuit Court on Saturday, January 20 to hold a women’s march. The predominantly female crowd was rallying on the anniversary of the 2017 Women’s March, the largest organized protest in history, spanning all seven continents. This year’s event was less centered around outrage and more around political action. While protesting President Donald Trump’s policies on immigration, science, and health care, the theme “Power to the Polls” arose. Power to the Polls encourages voter registration and more women to run for office. Multiple signs in Lexington read “Vote!” and there were sign-ups for voter registration. Many other signs focused on important topics, ranging from the Me Too movement to reproductive rights to science and climate change.
If you’d like to get involved and you’re old enough, VOTE! Registering is a simple process and WCHS even hosts voter registration drives. Voting is the best way to express your voice as a citizen. If you aren’t eligible to vote yet, you can take time to learn about or become involved with various organizations geared towards women. While Planned Parenthood is a controversial organization for many, they provide lots of important services to women, including STI tests, pelvic exams, cancer screenings, and providing birth control. There are plenty of other organizations to learn about and work with, such as GreenHouse17, a shelter for victims of domestic violence and abuse based in Lexington. Donating time, money, or resources is a great way to get involved while helping others in need. The links to online voter registration, I Stand with Planned Parenthood, and GreenHouse17 are posted below.