Lovely Lettering
Learning to letter and the opportunities it can open up for you!

A colorful example of hand lettering
February 4, 2018
Lettering is not your typical art. While calligraphy is writing the letters, lettering is when you are drawing them. This artistic style is something one must practice constantly; I should know, it took me over a year to master the style I wanted. Don’t let this keep you from wanting to learn though, because everything takes time and everyone has their own unique taste!
When I began to teach myself how to do lettering, I only thought of doing it as a hobby or as a fun way to pass time. As my skills progressed however, my family and friends started asking me to make things for them like birthday cards, signs, etc. As a way to practice and to show my appreciation for them I began to make cards for my teachers around the holidays. Recently, I made Christmas cards and advertised them on my personal social media, and have also been asked to make several decorations for my cousin’s wedding. Doing hand lettering as a mini-side job was not what I had in mind when I began, but I enjoy it immensely and can’t wait to continue my journey with it!
Below are some pieces from my portfolio and links to workshops to help teach yourself how to hand letter if you want to learn!
30 Days to Better Hand-Lettering:
Teach Yourself How to Hand Letter:
21 More Hand Lettering and Brush Lettering Tutorials: