Praria’s Palettes
An interview with one of WCHS’ finest artists
December 1, 2017
Brad Praria is one of Ms. Mark’s AP Art students and he has incredible artistic abilities.

Praria focuses on different styles of 2-D art, focusing specifically on painting and drawing. He paints murals and has one here in Versailles. This mural is placed at the corner of Rose Avenue and Main Street. He started to focus on digital art with Ms. Marks and enjoys it but likes physical art more. He does do a little bit of 3-D art but mostly keeps it to 2-D since he has more practice in it and likes it better.
Praria has been focused on increasing his artistic ability since about the 3rd or 4th grade.
He said, “I normally watched YouTube videos to get better and I paid attention to any art I saw around. I saw murals around, and I went to art festivals to see other people’s work and different styles and just kept drawing to get better.”
He would like to go to Savannah College of Art and Design. His plan is to go digital for a career and continue his digital art as an architect. He would like to attempt to make painting his career, but it would prove difficult and may not be a stable life.

“Taking Ms. Mark’s classes has been a huge help and I would recommend that anyone who wants a career in art should take her classes to improve.”
Some words of wisdom he has to give is to definitely take advice from others around you and around the world. He recommends putting your art onto social media, talking to other artists and continuing to work to improve your art. There are so many artists on social media that it makes getting advice and critiques super easy.