A Gamer’s Guide to Black Friday
Everything you need to know about gaming deals during the holiday season
Black Friday, the one day out of the year when shopping is actually considered a tradition. At this point, it may as well be considered a Federal Holiday, as it’s already a Public Holiday in several states. However, we aren’t here to discuss the technicalities and origins of Black Friday. Many gamers, myself included, are rather disillusioned with the whole event. Most of the time, it’s either because we don’t care for crowds or because we don’t know where to go and what to look for. Contrary to what some may believe, there are actually a lot of Black Friday sales for gamers to look forward to, regardless of what platform they usually play on. I’ve decided to make a guide for gamers on what sales to look forward to and where to find them.
Console Sales

Playstation: Starting with consoles, first we will focus on the Playstation 4. At Target, PS4s will be going for $199.99, a $100 discount. It’s also got 1 terabyte of system storage, which is great if you tend to download more games than get physical copies. It’s also great for DLC. You’ll actually be able to find this sale at Walmart as well, so if you really want this console you have multiple opportunities!

Xbox: Next, we’ll take a look at deals on the Xbox One S. While it isn’t the newest Xbox console, it is still highly relevant in the gaming community. If you plan on visiting Walmart and the PS4 isn’t exactly your speed, they will also be selling this console for $189 each. Keep in mind that there is significantly less storage, as it only comes installed with 500 gigabytes. However, there are a lot of great games on this console, so this is definitely a great sale to take advantage of. On the other hand, if you’re a fan of games like the Madden or Forza series, then Best Buy is the place to go. They’re selling the same console for $230, but it will be bundled with either Madden 18 or Forza Horizon 3, along with a free controller. Either way, both of these sales are great and worth looking into if you’re in the market for this console.

Nintendo: Finally, there’s also going to be a bundle for the Nintendo 2DS. It will be selling for the regular price of $79.99, but it is going to come pre-installed with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It also comes with a custom Zelda color scheme, so it’s a nice exclusive. It’ll be available at both Walmart and Target.
Unfortunately, this is about all I could find in the console department. A lot of the newer consoles like the Nintendo Switch and PS4 Pro will be available, but they won’t be on sale.
Gaming Accessories
With all of those consoles, you might need some accessories to make your experience a bit smoother. Luckily, there are plenty of sales in this department as well!
Playstation Accessories

First, the Playstation VR headset will be available for $199.99 at Target and Best Buy. However, if it isn’t obvious you will need a Playstation 4 to use this. Regardless. if you’re wanting some more realistic experiences, then this may be a worthy investment to make.

All Playstation 4 DualShock wireless controllers will also be available for $39.99 each, saving you $20 on each controller. This sale can be found once again at Target, however I can’t find many other deals on these controllers.

Playstation membership cards will also be discounted by $10.
Xbox Accessories

Xbox One wireless controllers are also available for $39.99 each, just like the Playstation controllers. Again, this is at Target.

All Gold membership cards, regardless of price, will also be discounted by $10.
General Accessories

These accessories will mostly be accessories that can be used for any console, therefore not fitting into the previous categories. Turtle Beach Ear Force XO or Stealth 400 headsets will each be available for $49.99 at Target.

The Recon 150 and XO Three headsets will also be available at Best Buy for $40 each. None of these are bad compared to their usual prices.
I would have included games, however there are so many games and so many sales that it’s too much to sort through. If there is a particular sale that interests you, then I’m sure you could search for it and find plenty of results. With that said, that is the 2017 guide for gamers! Was this guide helpful? Was there anything you wanted to see more of? Please leave your feedback in the comments below!

Kaitlyn Toy is a senior at WCHS. She loves to write, read, and play video games. This is Kaitlyn's third year on The Jacket Journal team. Kaitlyn is responsible...