Heart to Horse
From the moment I got my first horse there was something special there; he isn’t just a horse. Here’s my story. Why don’t you hop on for the ride?
November 14, 2017
We are one, a team, an unbreakable bond between just a horse and a girl. From the moment I got my first horse there was something special there; he isn’t just a horse. Here’s my story. Why don’t you hop on for the ride…..?

In 2008, I got Gunner, who is my 16 hands tall American Saddlebred. He and I have formed an unbreakable bond since that day. Gunner isn’t just any ordinary horse; he is different. From his personality to his performance, it’s all just special. He is loving but also can nip. He is silly but also can be put to work. Gunner has taken me places I’ve never been before and never thought I’d ever go. In 2009, he took me to my first real horse show in Burlington, Kentucky, and from that day forward he was my show horse.
After continuing my showing career in 2015, I had it all. Gunner and I were invited to the 2015 National Finals in St. Louis, Missouri. This experience was once in a life-time. I have never felt more excitement in my life. I won’t ever forget that moment when my mom told me that we had been invited. Not only was it national finals, but it was my first horse show out of state. Going to nationals was a trip that I will never forget. It was a hard week due to nerves, but nerves come with every big competition, no matter what sport. We came a long way from 2008 to 2015. I was happy inside and overly excited— I could barely sleep the week of nationals. I would never have made it without the bond and trust Gunner and I have between us.

I have been a horse rider since I was 2, and there is a lot I have learned about the bond you develop with your horse. It’s not only the mind you connect to, but it’s the heart, too. I have ridden plenty of different horses, but when I got on Gunner I felt safe and knew I didn’t need to be nervous. Gunner is a high powered show horse but my mom always told me, “He will take care of his little girl.” When I got on him it was like he knew I was tiny and young. He felt practically nothing on his back. The trainers said that they had never seen Gunner settle down that much when someone got on him. From that moment on my mom knew Gunner and I would be the perfect team. We have both come so far together, and I’d never ever replace him. He is with me for life. We have conquered so much through our show career, including many different divisions: Equitation, Hunt Seat, and Western. Without the bond and trust between us, we could not have done it.
Now, in 2017, the bond between Gunner and I has kept growing. Sadly, Gunner has torn his suspensory tendon and is out for 6 months; it has been a hard time, but he still has the biggest heart. He doesn’t show any signs of pain, and he still acts like himself, which is crazy. When I found out he had torn a tendon, it was a tough week. The vet said for us to ice him everyday and keep it wrapped 24/7, with little to no movement. After the first month went by, it was time to know if he was showing any signs of healing. If not we would have had to make a tough decision. On September 6, 2017, the vet came out and gave us the best news–the tendon is showing signs of healing. Gunner has a huge heart and without that he wouldn’t be where he is today. It’s all just a waiting game from now until he is healed.
With just a little more time, the team will be back in the ring. Gunner and I will be back to doing what we do best!

Deb Kern • Dec 20, 2017 at 5:55 AM
Excellent story. You should be proud of yourself. You are beautiful inside and out which is no doubt because of your love of horses. There is nothing in this life you won’t accomplish.
Julie • Dec 19, 2017 at 3:45 PM
Awww Kelsey, I love this! Last night, I was making a bulletin board with pictures of my three horses and all my blue ribbons from over 22 years… I still miss each of my horses every single day. There is absolutely nothing like the bond between a girl and her horse! I’m so proud of your accomplishments as a team, and so happy you have Gunner in your life!
Tina Shanahan • Nov 19, 2017 at 11:17 AM
I have also been into and owned horses since I was 6 years old and I just want to say that I admire you so much for your love of horses! they are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so thankful that you shared your story! it is a real encouragement to me and it makes me aware that I am not alone in my passion and love for horses! just remember the hardest part about riding is the ground 🙂
Kelsey Martin • Nov 20, 2017 at 8:38 AM
That means so much to me! I’m also so glad i’m not alone in the horse world, not a lot of people know how hard it truly is to ride and to have a horse as a responsibility! id love to get to know more about your horse background!