As soon as the bell rings at the end of the day, the hallways are packed with people. Once you finally get out of the building you are faced by a long line of cars. You decide to walk down the line but reach the end of the sidewalk after a few steps. You continue and a few other students walk with you down the line of cars. You walk right next to the cars on the road and if they’re too close you step into the mud. You continue walking down the far stretching line, deciding that it is still better than waiting ten minutes in the cold. After a long walk through dirt and mud, you finally get into your car dropping mud on the floor as you close the door behind you.
There have been many problems with the new high school and lots of students are extremely concerned by the sheer amount of issues. One of the most concerning problems is that there is no sidewalk for the students to walk down the line of cars on. This is a serious problem because the car line is extremely slow and it’s annoying to stand and wait for a parent to come and pick you up while you have lots of homework you could be doing. So logically, some students want to cut that time down by walking to their car. The problem is that there is no sidewalk so students are given the choice to walk on the road beside the cars or to walk in the dirt and risk ruining their clothes by slipping in the mud.
An easy and cheap solution would be to paint a line on the road as a marker for where students can walk. The problem is that the cars could miss the line and still get into the area for the students to walk in causing them to be pushed back into walking on the mud. Another solution would be to put sidewalks on the side of the road following down the line so that students can safely walk separately from the road without risking slipping and falling into mud.