The childhood and adolescent obesity rate has been climbing rapidly in recent years. If people want to stay healthy and fit and live a wonderful life free of disease and sickness, then consistent effort needs to start at a young age. From processed foods to diet and exercise, many factors play a role in living a healthy lifestyle.
The childhood obesity rate according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is 19.7%. 1 in 5 children or adolescents are considered obese. Approximately 14.7 million US children and teenagers aged 2-19 years old have obesity. This is more than the number of people in states such as Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Children are becoming less and less active as the years go on, which contributes to this problem. Obesity can lead to diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, certain cancers, and sleep apnea. Most of these conditions can be perishable.
The solution to this falls on the shoulders of the parents. Parents need to start teaching and feeding kids healthy habits that will lead through generations to come. Cutting out junk food and, instead, having their children exercise and play sports. I believe all kids should be doing some form of physical activity when growing up. From things like martial arts to marathons, kids will benefit tremendously.
One of the main reasons this jump in obesity has happened is due to the documented as well as undocumented chemicals in our foods. Documented and intentional additives in foods are things such as colorings, sweeteners, and flavoring additives as well as emulsifiers. Some undocumented substances and foods are things like bisphenol A and pesticides. Kids are ingesting these things which will lead to an increase in fats throughout the body causing weight gain. These substances have been linked to dysregulated endocrine function, adipocyte function, and insulin signaling. Parents need to take more accountability for what their kids eat and to have them eat the right nutrients with enough exercise to build muscle and endurance. Kids and teenagers lying around eating fast foods with seed oils and high fats while playing video games are not getting the right amount of exercise or vitamins. This can lead to weight gain and not the healthy kind.
In conclusion, many factors lead to obesity. But it is up to the people of the United States of America and around the world to fight and combat this epidemic. Practicing healthy habits from a young age can benefit you in the future. Nonetheless, it is never too late. Getting outside, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising are the key factors to this and it just starts with one step. When you make that decision to live healthy and happy, it won’t disappoint.