At the beginning of the school year, many students were worried about how bad the parking lot situation is at this high school, which led to even more fear for the future high school. People heard the plan for the new parking lot and thought it was just a rumor that there would be even fewer spaces at the future building than here. Well, it turns out that it wasn’t a rumor. The original plan for the student parking lot was full of flaws. However, the people working on the future high school realized those flaws, and the plans have been changed.
In an interview, Mr. O’Bryan said that the original design planned to have just two hundred and sixty spaces for the student parking lot, which is even less than the number of spaces at the current high school. He explained that there were going to be designated sections separated into the teacher lot, the student lot, and the visitor parking lot. They were told that the students couldn’t park in the visitor’s or the teacher’s parking lot and that they couldn’t assign all of the student spaces. This means that in the visitor’s parking lot, there will be forty open spaces and it would not be open to students, so it would largely go untouched. This was viewed as problematic, and there would be a lot of angry students and parents if the new parking lot was even worse than the one people expected to escape from.
To solve this problem and to help prevent future problems they have altered the plans for the parking lot. They are now respacing and renumbering the parking lot. It is expected that every space, including the teacher’s section, will be numbered. They have also made the visitor’s section available for assignment to students. They estimate that this puts the number in the range of over 400 spaces. When it comes to assigning the spaces it will go in order of necessity, starting with the work-based students and then moving to the seniors and from there it will go by grade. There will also be some unassigned spots just like there are currently.
In the end, it turns out that all of the rumors were true, however, most of the concerns have been addressed. The parking lot is expected to be able to accommodate the students it has to and there are even plans in the works to solve future problems that may arise with more students coming to Woodford County High School. So, in the end, there is no need to worry about the future parking lot because the problems that we have here at this relic of a high school will not be following the students to the new high school.