Purple Cow
Purple Cow by Seth Godin inspires the average person to become remarkable, Specifically in their business. Godin states that the key to success is to find a way to stand out. The purple cow theory is that you must be the purple cow that stands out in a field of regular boring cows. Purple Cow argues the only way to cut the hyper-clutter of products and advertising today is to innovate something new, unique, and remarkable. Throughout the book, he explains this theory in depth and gives examples as to how and why this works. He explains that this will not only work with smaller businesses looking to become something remarkable, but it will work with any business you’re trying to run, even adding on a new product or service to your business that brings in new attention. Overall his message is to go big or go home.
Seth Godin
Seth Godin is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and motivational speaker. Godin has written 21 best-selling books, has produced 2 multi-million dollar businesses, and inspires people all around the world. In 2013, Godin was inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and in 2018 he was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame as well. With hundreds of marketing geniuses and authors supporting his ideas, Seth Godin has proven his expertise in this field.