Obviously the main holiday in October is Halloween where you walk around to people’s houses and get candy; however, what if I were to tell you that there are a bunch of other fun days to celebrate in October? Did you know that there is a national hair day or a national homemade cookie day? Well if you haven’t you’re lucky i’m here to tell you about some these random holidays.
The first day I’ll talk about is National Poetry Day. National Poetry Day is the yearly celebration on the first Thursday of October that encourages everyone to make, experience and share poetry with one another. Writing poetry can help people with many things. Some of these things include emotional pain, Improves cognitive function, and it helps in Leading us to a greater self-awareness.
October is the home of National Animal Safety and Protection Month, which is a good thing because of something I learned. Back in October of 2018, a black cat had been scalped and left sprawled out on its owners front lawn. According to investigators, they said that this kind of crime had become more common around Halloween. As you can tell this is just a horrible crime and I’m glad that October has the honor of being the National Animal Safety and Protection month.
For some good news there is a Black Cat Day on October 27th. This day is a special observance dedicated to celebrating and promoting the adoption of black cats. This day aims to dismiss the myths and superstitions surrounding black cats and highlight the beauty and uniqueness of these feline companions. Fun fact about black cats is that in the early 2000’s researchers found that the genetic mutations that cause cats to have black coats, offers them protection against diseases.