Journey to Simmons
My experience as a student volunteer at Simmons Elementary

Simmons Elementary School, Woodford County
November 1, 2017
Elementary school is a time that I think most of us remember very fondly. The recess, the new experiences, its really just a way for kids to prepare themselves for schooling down the road. When I was offered the chance to get to attend Simmons every other day to help the children there, I jumped on it. It’s truly been an experience that I wish to share with everyone and hopefully convince any younger students to take the same opportunity their senior year.
My first day at Simmons didn’t exactly occur at the beginning of the year. I picked up the class after a schedule change during the 3rd week of school. I was put to a class that had 3 other female aids that had been there since the first week, and I would be going in late to the class as the only male aid for my class. During my first day, I walked in and was directed to the playground where my teacher was. I introduced myself to my teacher and sat down. I quickly noticed how many kids at had caught sight of me and, out of curiosity, came up to me. I was introduced to multiple students with high fives and hugs, but some were still shy to come talk to me. After staying for a bit I went back to the high school and finished out my day. During the next time I went I actually got to be in the classroom environment doing what my job was. I would take small groups (1-3 students) to the hallway and help them with assignments they haven’t finished or did bad on. All the students were shy around me and asked me tons of questions about me and my life.
Flash forward to now, two months in. The students are waiting for 10 o’clock to creep around every other morning for me to walk through the door and help them out for an hour. I think it’s a positive experience for the kids and it really helps them out over all. I believe anyone who just likes to be around kids and loves to see people learn should definitely sign up. The experience helps catch all the kids up on the same level and make sure no one gets behind.
Anyone who is interested in being a part of the experience be sure to sign up for collaborative learning next year. The class is only available to Seniors but any underclassmen can for sure keep it in your mind for your Senior year and you can make a difference.