Quick Weekend Getaways to Start Your Summer
If you find a spare couple of days during summer break, check out some of our favorite trips.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Summer break: no school, no homework, and no responsibility. All of this culminates to create the perfect opportunity for a trip. So where do we go? you might ask. Good question, reader, we have a couple of recommendations.
1. Red River Gorge, Kentucky

Red River Gorge has been a popular spot for high schoolers for many a years. With its big rocks and its “red river,” The Gorge is a haven for everything outdoors. Whether you’re a nature fan who wants a 2 mile paved hike, a 20 mile overnight, or a week long backpack, The Gorge has a spot for you. Or, if you would rather rip through the trees on your dirt bike, side x side, 4-wheeler, or atv, The Gorge has a spot for you. And, if you are the type to enjoy nature from the cool of the indoors, The Gorge has many options for Cabin rentals in and around its approximate 42,000 acres.
2. San Francisco

When I was told just how short the drive to San Francisco was, I was truly astonished. In just 35 short hours, you could be standing atop the grand Golden Gate Bridge breathing in the crisp Pacific air. There are many things to do in San Francisco as well, with the Redwoods National Park looming above and many urban destinations you got to check out. If you have a spare 3 days (72 hours), you could drive there and back and leaving a whole 2 hours to spare in the great Frisco’.
3. Prudhoe Bay

Alaska. Seems unattainable for a weekend trip, right? Well, not if you invest in the fastest plane in the world, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. What would normally be a 74 hour drive in a measly car turns into a 1 hour 45 minute flight at 2,193 miles per hour. This makes a weekend trip to Prudhoe Bay very do-able for the average person. Once landed, you can check out the cool walruses and polar bears in the “Last Frontier” of Alaska.


“Go big or go home.” “If you ain’t first you’re last.” “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” “I want a bf — and by bf I mean a Benjamin Franklin as in a hunnit dolla bill boy bye.”

The moon: magnificent, dark, mysterious, and very alluring to the weekend traveler. If you were to invest in the Orion rocket for yourself and the subsequent staff needed to maintain and launch the craft, you could be boots on the moon in just 2.5 days. Once you dock your craft there is infinite fun to be had with low gravity and views that are out-of-this-world!

Elijah Martin is a Senior at WCHS. It's his second year reporting/editing for the Jacket Journal and is a member of Channel 4. He enjoys being outside,...
Jayden Oakley • Aug 16, 2023 at 9:39 AM
Is a Boeing AH-64 Apache a good replacement for the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird?
Brandon Bishop • Aug 16, 2023 at 9:37 AM
Cool article Elijah
jonah • Aug 16, 2023 at 9:36 AM
i love going to the moon thank you elijah