The Racquet Jackets Kick Off Their Season!

Take a look at the Woodford County Tennis Team’s 2023 season so far.

Phillip Steifel

The tennis team loves having fun on and off the court.

As the 2023 Tennis season kicks off, the tennis team is off to a pretty great start. With a 6-2 record overall (6-2 girls and 5-3 boys), the possibility of winning regions is looking promising to the team.

In just one year, the size of the tennis team has almost doubled. During the 2022 season, the team contained 16 players and this year they have a whopping 31 players. For coaches and previous players, the surplus of additional teammates was overwhelming at first, but things have started to set into place. When asked if he feels accepted as a first year tennis player, Lucas Mckale (12) said, “Yeah its a cool environment and everyone is super nice.” Mckale is a hockey player turned tennis superstar. With a 3-2 record, he is starting his first year ever playing off strong.

  • Nicole Davis hitting a hard shot, crushing her oponents.

  • It was a nice and sunny day, no wonder I had a smile on my face!

  • Niko Chikada returning a serve from her opponent.

  • Zach Pantiliono hitting a volley close to the net.

  • Nick Ruzzene hitting an amazing ground stroke from deep on the court.

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Take a look at some pictures from the team’s latest match against Collins  

Because of the loss of some star players last year, Nicole Davis (11) had some big shoes to step into as she took one of the spots in the number 1 doubles position. When asked how she feels the season is going she said, ” I think the season is going very well. I’m having a lot of fun playing with all my friends.” As a tennis player myself, I can wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Everyone on the tennis team are not only teammates, but also friends. Nicole hopes to make it far in the regional tournament this year.

The Woodford tennis team has multiple home matches in the coming weeks after spring break. Come out and support the racquet jackets as they continue their journey to regional victory!