Reviewing Spring Music
This article talks about a lot of popular music that EVERYONE is talking about right now, and reviews them.
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A lot of good music has been released in the past few years. Pop, jazz, hip-hop, lofi, indie music, and much more! This article explores popular songs that are springing into our playlists. (See what we did there?)
So kick back, relax, and listen to some good songs!
Here are the highlights of a few songs on the playlist:
Golden Hour by Jvke- This was Jvke’s debut song, and it’s blown up in the music world. It’s popular on TikTok, Instagram, on Youtube. The amount of listens to this song alone has gotten insane.
Classic by MKTO- This is probably the group’s most listened-to song, and is starting to come back into the music world. It was released in 2012 but is making a comeback with its bouncy beats; a hint of hip-hop and pop collaborating seamlessly.
Light Switch by Charlie Puth- This song has a wide range of beats and instruments. There’s even the sound of…wait for it…a light switch. The lyrics aren’t a work of genius, but the melody is catchy enough to stay in your head for at least a day after hearing it.
Hate You by Jordi- This song has gone crazy on TikTok. It’s all over the place. It’s about her ex, and how he found a new girl faster than Jordi expected. This is the first song she’s released, and it’s everywhere.

PS5 by Salem Ilese- While her name is hard to pronounce, this song isn’t! With fun backing tracks and a phenomenal voice, she lays down the law of her boyfriend needing to pay more attention to her, instead of focusing on a video game. While the message isn’t super friendly, the backing tracks make the song fun to listen to.
Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold- This song is a beautiful love ballad about not wanting anyone else except for their significant others. The song has completely blown up and plays in restaurants, on the radio, in coffee shops, and on TikTok. It has a common Spring theme of “Love is in the air” without saying it outright.
Doppelganger by Joshua Bassett- This song also has the message of love being in the air, but it’s the one-sided type of love. He’s singing about the girl he broke up with, and how he her wherever he goes because he wants her to come back so badly. It’s a sad song, but the lyrics are written incredibly. The way he’s worded his heartache in a song laced with bittersweet words is beautiful. The soft drums and acoustic guitar blend really well with his voice.

Rocket Science by Vaultboy- This song was released in 2021 but is still considered relatively new. Again, another love song, but with a twist. It’s not sad, but it’s not happy. It’s not even bittersweet. It has a tone of longing to it, and that makes it more unique. He’s talking about the troubles of starting a relationship, especially in the “talking” stage. He wants to date the girl, but he’s still unsure. He includes a big range of notes and lyrical genius, along with bouncy beats that keep the listener dancing and singing along.
Overall, the songs on the playlist are all really good, but if all the songs were written down and reviewed…that’d be a much longer article than anyone would want to read . Enjoy the music!

Annabelle is a Junior at Woodford County High School. She wants to write about the behind-the-scenes aspects of student life. Her hobbies include writing...