The Buzz on Books!
Some of WCHS’ favorite reads of 2021.
Joseph Carey, Staff Reporter|December 17, 2021

Celebrate reading! 2021 will be over before we know it, but WCHS students and staff enjoyed some great reads this year. Here are some of our favorite books of 2021!
“Gone Girl was my favorite book I’ve read this year because it was so engaging. I couldn’t put it down! 10/10 would recommend.” – Arden Stone, 11th Grade
Nate Janzow, 11th Grade
“This was my favorite book that I read of the year mainly because I’ve learned a lot about not only wrestling as a entertainment medium, but wrestling as a job as well. I got to see the history of the biggest promotion in Japan and how it rose to prominence over the past 50 years, which to me, is very cool.” – Gavin Barrows, 11th Grade
“I chose this book because it’s one of my friend’s favorite series (shoutout to Arissa) and she convinced me to read it.” – Abi Santos, 12th Grade
“One was a quick, engaging read, the other was a lighter story. Loved both!” – Mrs. Romine, School Librarian!
“The Twilight saga has been one of my favorite reads since I was little, and still is in 2021.” – Arissa Keith, 12th Grade
“I loved the dynamic love story in this book.” – Logan Weaver, 11th Grade
Stella Londrigan, 11th Grade
“I really admire the life-philosophy of Mary Oliver and her poems.” – Willa Michel, 12th Grade
“So glad I got to re-read Dune in time to watch the movie!”- Joseph Carey, 11th Grade

Joseph is a WCHS Senior, and returning editor and staff reporter for The Jacket Journal. An avid cellist, he participates in Woodford's Chamber Orchestra...