The Jackets Sting Colonels
Woodford County Football team defeats Bourbon County 47-20
September 11, 2019
The Woodford County Yellow Jackets Football Team is back! This past Friday night, September 6th, 2019, the Jackets had an outstanding win against Bourbon County (47-20). As the football team took on Bourbon County, they had many supporters in the stands and especially in the student section. Many Woodford County High School students were dressed in beach and Hawaiian clothes. Abby Collins (9) said that her first high school football game was “crazy but fun.” Addison Kerr (10) said that football games are “the highlight of high school.” In the student section, there was a lot of cheering and dancing throughout and after the game. Football games are a way to celebrate Friday nights and our sports teams with friends!

Freshman experience their first football game as High School students!

Sophomores smiling for Friday Night Games.

Experienced Juniors laughing and smiling from the front of the student section.

Students screaming and yelling for the Jackets to take the win.

The Jackets making their game plan to score another touchdown!