The Overwhelming Buzz of Jacket Basketball
Jacket basketball keeps on rolling through teams to the sound of tremendous amounts of cheering
The loud and very excited student section ready to play one of our rival’s– Madison Southern.
December 14, 2018
Have you ever been to a basketball game and heard the student section or maybe you’ve even been in the student section before? Well, as you may know, the boy’s basketball team is 6-0 and that isn’t for no reason! One reason is because of the number of students who attend the games and show their true spirit for whatever the crazy theme for that game may be that night. The Jackets have a saying: “If you’re standing, you’re not doing it right!” This motto has been proven right; not only for home games but against our rivals at Franklin County who got stung by the Jackets.

The Jackets defense helps them make a stop down the court on the Eagles.

For Richard Osborn, Spencer Nuert, and Ben Ison every bucket counts while helping the Jackets get to a 6-0 start to the season.
I forgot to mention that our jacket student section is lead by a man who’s called “Jacket Superfan” and his name is Ben Ison! He doesn’t miss any games and shows true emotion when it comes to sports and his competitiveness. I stopped to ask the Superfan some questions before the game. When asked, “What makes you want to show up to every game?” Ison said, ” The excitement of every fan and player.” Ison says that he enjoys cheering on the team when we’re beating our opponents by a huge margin. I almost forgot the biggest part of cheering in any sport, and that’s the cheerleading team that suits up for every home game and shows the student section why we’re always national champs!

The cheer team during halftime showing off their famous routine.

Emily Rice and Alex Vanev showing off some of the amazing tricks they have.
If you haven’t come out yet for any of the games well…you might want to come out and to show your support towards the team that is STILL undefeated and will remain unbeaten considering the way they’ve been playing lately. Not only will you enjoy our insanely loud student section but you’ll also see our Jackets dominate over opponents. It’s truly a site to see and you might see a little dunk or two from the Jackets during a game. You might also lose your voice but that’s alright because everyone else around probably did too, so make sure you’re loud when it’s most necessary!

Our own Jacket Superfan in the mix with the student section.

The student section shocked by the blow out game by the boy’s basketball game.

Our very own boy’s basketball team showing off during warm-ups.