High School Choirs Shares Holiday Cheer For All To Hear
The Woodford County High School choirs and acapella groups preform their winter concert
The Mellow Jackets perorms City with Faith Wilson (12) as the featured soloist.
Anna Ward, Staff Reporter
December 14, 2018
On December 4th, 2018, the Woodford County High School’s choirs and acapella groups put on their annual winter concert at First Baptist Church. This was Choir Director Taylor Strickland’s first concert at Woodford County, and he definitely wowed the audience with his choice in music and amazing teaching skills.
Concert choir preforms the song Imagine by John Lennon.
Mr. Strickland conducts the Concert choir as they preform the piece Down to the River to Pray.
Sopranos Hannah Combs (11) , Esther Bradshaw (12) , and Makenna Hewett (10) prepare to sing
The Mellow Jackets perorms City with Faith Wilson (12) as the featured soloist.
Freshman Breyanna smiles as she listens to the Concert choir’s performance.
Advance Choir performs Indodana with motions choreographed by Mr. Strickland.
Freshman Sarah Holman from Advanced choir enjoys the Mellow Jackets performance.
Freshman Josh Haack prepares for his Betelehemu drum solo.