Sink or Swim

Woodford County Jacket Fish take home the win against Western Hills

Riley Gardner, Staff Reporter

Woodford County Swim team competed against Western Hills on November 28th, 2018. After coming off a win the previous week, Woodford swimmers race hard to keep the winning streak alive. Through some grit, determination, and hard competition both the dive team and swim team emerge victoriously.
  • Woodford County High School swimmers bow heads and join hands in prayer before swim meet at Falling Springs Recreation Center. November 28th 2018. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Swimmers all join in a team cheer to pump the adrenaline and swim fast. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Cole Janzow prepares to swim the 200 individual medley. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Cole Janzow Sprints to the wall to take a commanding lead. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Super duo Brian Claridge and Cole Janzow strike a pose before striking down opponents in the water. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Clay Lewis dives into the lead in the 100 breaststroke. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Maddie Gatewood breaks the surface of the water, and then breaks a personal record. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Clay Lewis pulls his way to victory in the 100 breaststroke. Photo by Riley Gardner.

  • Maddie Gatewood counts for astonishingly fast 8th grader Nate Janzow in his near school record time 500 freestyle. Photo by Riley Gardner

  • Student photographs students photographing students. Photo by Riley Gardner.

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