Wofo Christmas Traditions
An inside look at what your peers do for the holidays
For the Holidays Freshman, Makenzie Burdine, says her Christmas tradition is: “On Christmas Eve we go to a candle lighting service. It is a regular church mass and toward the end we all have a candle. Everyone gets into a big circle and the priest lights his candle and passes the light around. It represents unity and giving.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
Tanyea Ramirez, Staff Reporter
December 14, 2018
Christmas is an important holiday all around the world, yet everyone does not celebrate it the same way. What Christmas means to you could be very different from the person you are sitting next to right now.
Here is a look into what some students around WCHS do for this winter holiday:
For the Holidays Freshman, Kayleen Escaoloni, says her Christmas tradition is to: “Spend my Christmas day at my Grandma’s and help out with the toy drive.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
For the Holidays Senior, Ester Bradshaw says her Christmas tradition is: “On Christmas Eve we split into boys and girls and have a sleepover downstairs or upstairs. I have 4 brother and 6 sisters so it is really fun and a big deal. We stay up late talking and having fun.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
For the Holidays Sophomore, Ashley Courtney, says her Christmas tradition is: “Me and my family always go to the Southern Lights together. On Christmas morning we open presents and in the evening we go to my Grandma’s house for dinner.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
For the Holidays Freshman, Makenzie Burdine, says her Christmas tradition is: “On Christmas Eve we go to a candle lighting service. It is a regular church mass and toward the end we all have a candle. Everyone gets into a big circle and the priest lights his candle and passes the light around. It represents unity and giving.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
For the Holidays Freshman, Vantashia Ramirez, says her Christmas tradition is: “Decorate my home with my family. I enjoy the bonding time we have when we set up our tree.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
For the Holidays Junior, Hannah Urbina says her Christmas tradition is: ” Eat dinner with my family on Christmas and then we open presents together.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
For the Holidays Junior, Maquoia Bernabe, says her Christmas tradition is: “Every year my family and I go to my Aunt/Uncle’s house on Christmas Eve to celebrate Christmas and to just all be together before everyone leaves out.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.
For the Holidays Junior, Katie Marie Hibbs, says her Christmas tradition is: “We go to Christmas mass in the morning at about 8:30, eat a brunch and sit and talk when we get home; then we open gifts when everyone is awake and ready. We also give gifts to the pets and give them some of the wrapping paper to play with.” Photo by Tanyea Ramirez.