Santa Claus Comes to Town!
Santa rides into Midway on a train to visit kids for the day
Arissa Keith, Staff Reporter
December 10, 2018
Santa Claus rides a train into Midway, Kentucky to visit children on Saturday, November 24th, 2018. Photo by Arissa Keith.
The crowd anticipates Santa Claus as he rides a train into Midway, Kentucky to visit children. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Santa Claus’ train has almost arrived in Midway, Kentucky. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Santa Claus’ train arrives in Midway, Kentucky to visit children. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Santa Claus steps out of the train and the children clap. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Santa Claus set up a shop in Midway, Kentucky to visit children. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Santa visits children at the Thoroughbred Theater in Midway, Kentucky. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Children are happy as they tell Santa what they want for Christmas. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Stores in Midway, Kentucky set up Christmas decorations for the year. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Stores in Midway, Kentucky set up beautiful Christmas trees. Photo by Arissa Keith.
Santa is joined by Mrs. Claus when he arrives in Midway, Kentucky by train. Photo by Arissa Keith.
The town of Midway has a community tree downtown. Photo by Arissa Keith.
The train tracks clear up after Santa left. Photo by Arissa Keith.
People leave the tracks to go shop after seeing Santa. Photo by Arissa Keith.
A book written about a Christmas in Kentucky set up in the stores. Photo by Arissa Keith.
One generous store owner blows up balloons for small children. Photo by Arissa Keith.
The day Santa rode into Midway, was also Shop Small Saturday, where you buy from local business’ to support them. Photo by Arissa Keith.
People dressed up for the fun Christmas event. Photo by Arissa Keith.