The Importance Of Traveling
We live in a world of 197 countries, 6,500 spoken languages, and 7.3 billion people. Can you imagine what all there is to see? We live in a traveling hotspot. We’re eleven hours away from New York City. We’re eight hours away from our nation’s capital. We’re ten hours from Destin and only a mere two hours from Red River Gorge. Traveling doesn’t involve spending thousands or dollars or even hundreds of dollars. Traveling doesn’t even involve a car. All you really need is your own two feet and an open mind.
Traveling opens up your mind to new cultures, places, ideas, and most importantly people. Could you imagine what we could accomplish with a world that understands? In the past two years, I have traveled to the Netherlands to visit my family, and Spain with some of my favorite teachers and better friends. While in the Netherlands, I became more engulfed in the idea of acceptance. While in Spain, I became more aware of the history of our world. While traveling in these places, I realized that not only does everyone live differently but people think differently as well. By allowing myself to see the different ways people are I have become a much more willing, open, and empathetic person.
Traveling within the United States can be just as influential as traveling outside of the United States. We have such a diverse population that you could almost travel the whole world right here! I have been to 40 out of 50 states. Every new place I go to, I learn something new. Sometimes I learn about people and other times I learn about the place but every single time I learn. Could you imagine what could happen if everyone took every opportunity they had to travel? The world would be a much happier place.
I deeply encourage you to get out into the world and go. Even if you go an hour and a half away to Cincinnati, just go. Spend a day, a week, or even just a night opening up your mind to something new. Educate yourself on a new and exciting place or a new and exciting person. Travel because you want to make the world a better place. Travel because you want to be a better you. Travel because it’s the best thing to do.

Lucy is a junior on the WCHS Swim Team. She loves spending time with her dogs and her family. She is an avid traveler. Lucy plans on being a high school...