New Teacher Features
WCHS welcomes 14 new teachers to the building this year. Read all about these new additions to the team here!
Brook Jankowski, Emmaria Young, Camilla Cosby, Kara Summers, Ashley Rocha, Katherine Kelly, Tanyea Ramirez, Kayla Hadley, Kristen Bailey, Rosario Rivera, Hillary Ocampo, and Parker Robinson

Dr. Bell Buzzes Into the Hive
Dr. Drake Bell is the new interim Principal at WCHS. He was a high school football coach for a long time and was a high school Associate Principal for awhile. "I have been an Athletic Director for two universities for a while. I have been a Principal for a middle school with 900 students two years ago. I was superintendent of a district last year, and now I am Principal of WCHS," Bell said. He...

Mr. Britt Takes On Woodford
Jermery Britt is a new face at Woodford County that everyone should get to know. He is a new teacher with the Special Education program. When Britt is not at Woodford, you can catch him playing golf in his spare time. He is originally from Bowling Green, Kentucky, but moved to Danville his senior year of high school. Before arriving at Woodford, he spent 11 years teaching at Mercer County. Mr. Britt ...

Singing with Strickland
Taylor Strickland is the new Choir and Piano lab teacher for WCHS this year. He has not taught anywhere prior to coming here. He attended the University of Kentucky for his college education. His favorite aspect of teaching is the moment "when a class finishes the piece that they had been working on. It shows all of the students hard work throughout the semester." It is a very nice moment to be...

Who is Summer Amro?
Summer Amro is one of many new teachers here at Woodford County High School. Ms. Amro teaches Global Studies as well as Civics. This will be Ms. Amro's first year of teaching, and she is excited to be here. When asked about why she became a teacher she said, "I was inspired to become a teacher by the teachers I had in high school. My high school teachers truly cared about me as an individual and saw ...

Mr. Blake Flies Into the Hive
"I'd like to thank the students at WCHS for being welcoming and so eager to learn," Blake said.

Who’s the Boss? Ms. Boss!
This is Ms. Boss' first year teaching English at WCHS. Ms. Boss attended college at Piedmont College, a small liberal arts college in Georgia. As for her teaching, Ms. Boss says she was inspired to be a teacher after she took an internship at a learning center with her psychology degree. "I taught relationship courses and basic psychology to teenagers, and I found what I really liked about my ps...

Ms. Chism’s Journey From Toys to Teaching
Imagine if your childhood toys would determine what you were going to be when you were older. Few of these jobs would actually be what many end up doing. But for five-year-old Ms. Chism, that’s exactly what happened. “I always knew that being a teacher would be something I enjoyed. I was the kid who was playing teacher with all of my Barbies.” From this young age she knew that she wanted to be...

Science with Cissell
Brenda Cissell is the new Science teacher here at Woodford County High School. This is her fourth year of teaching. She taught for two years at a middle school in Virginia. Last year she taught at Woodford County Middle School and this is her first year teaching at a high school. Ms. Cissell didn't originally plan on becoming a teacher. After she graduated college she worked in a lab, so she knew...

Chatting with Ms. Church
A new school year means new students, new opportunities and different classes, but most importantly, new teachers. Ms. Church is one of the new Special Education teachers. And here is a look at how this new teacher is settling into Woodford. This is Church's first year at Woodford, but she also worked in the Fayette County school system before deciding to teach in Woodford County. Church taught...

Meeting Ms. Mullins
Dawn Mullins is a new special education teacher for WCHS this year. Over the past ten years, she has taught between Tennessee and Kentucky schools. She is also a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University. Her favorite aspect of teaching is "seeing the growth in the kids." She also wants everyone to know that she loves to laugh and she thinks that laughing is a very important part of life. When aske...

Business with Mr. Baney
Mr. Baney teaches Digital Literacy, as well as Business Principles and Applications. Welcome to Woodford, Mr. Baney! His favorite things about teaching are the students and the relationships that you can build with them, and being able to learn about their personalities so that he can help find better ways to teach them. He enjoys how every day is different since students definitely know how to...

Ms. Wu Has Come A Long Way And We Are Hoping She Is Here To Stay
Ms. Wu arrived in the United States one month ago in an effort to teach students Chinese language and enlighten students on Chinese culture.
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