By Brook Jankowski

The Upper Classmen Officers was elected for 1963-1964 school year.

1960’s Goes Wild

Excerpts from The Jacket Journal of the 1960's

The Jacket Journal was born in 1963, and it hasn’t changed since. In 1963, the new school was being built for students, which is the school we use now. The school was not opened until 1965. Bits and Pieces was a column in The Jacket Journal and it told you what was going on in the school at that time. Below are some excerpts from the Bits and Pieces column:

“Bits and Pieces”

“Broken arm and all we are delighted to discover Mrs. Caywood back in our presence, after her freakish accident in January.

On the lighter side of things____!! It seems that our new school will soon be blessed with a great annual as the last shipment of the “JACKETEERS” was carefully prepared and mailed, February 25 under the ever-watchful eye of Mrs.Abbot, advisor, and Rebecca Montgomery editor. Folk singer Ed Kilbourne a junior, from Asbury  College was the main attraction at the Y-Teen Assembly program on February 19.

Billy Tincher from our WCHS FFA Chapter is a candidate for District president. The final results will be in on March 8. The Journal Staff would like to join with the student body in wishing him. “Good Luck.”

On March 12, the Journalism class plans to attend “Journalism Day” at the University of Kentucky. The day will be spent in conferences to help in bettering the school paper.

The Cheerleaders planned two pep rallies for the anxiously awaited tournaments.”

  • This is a picture of WCHS before they built it and the students got to see what it looked like.

  • Clarence Johnson was a freshmen and is one of the talented boys in the school and he got to play at Variety Show.

  • This diagram is a picture of who is playing who and what time.

  • Valentine’s Day was happening and a club made little boxes with goodies to hand out to the school.

  • There were only three clubs and they were Pep Club, F.H.A., and F.F.A. We still have two out of three of these clubs around.

  • A diagram of who is playing who and what time.

  • Hats off to the play cast.

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