By Brook Jankowski

In 1923 President Lester McClure of the senior class president meeting went down hill.

The Tattle-Tale Spills Its Secrets

Excerpts from The Versailles High School's original paper

In the 1927 the Versailles High School was built. The Tattle-Tale newspaper had a new home.  The Tattle-Tale covered some interesting stories that we would not think of like adding a Court News section.

Below is an article about a play that the Tattle-Tale covered. George Washington had a dinner similar to this when he was president.

“George Washington Birthday Dinner”

“The Eighth grade domestic science class entertained the trustees with a six o’clock dinner Thursday evening, February  22nd. The following were present: Messrs: C.A. Hunter,  W.A. Cox, Sam Nuchols and Dr. Herbert Newman, also Mr. J.P. Beaan, our superintendent.

Miss France McHatton dressed as George Washington and Miss Nancy Mitchell as Martha Washington were host and hostess and were seated at either end of the table. The other girls were dressed in white.

The table was decorated with red, white and blue, and the color scheme was carried out throughout the menu. The room was lighted with candles. The menu was as follows:

Oyster cocktail, creamed peas, celery, candied sweet potatoes, cheese straws, cheese apples, dressed chicken, pickles, biscuits, salad course, ice cream, cake, black coffee, and mints.”

  • The Superintendent of Education spoke at the Parent-Teacher Association at the next meeting. A parent reads a letter from her daughter.

  • The Tattle-tale would interview people and ask them about their personal lives.

  • Exchanges tells you what will be in the next Tattle-Tale and what they will be covering.

  • A Ghost Story is telling its tale to give a little scare.

  • This article showcased the pens used for writing back in the day.

  • Students had exams that were much different from ours.

  • There was a large amount of advertisers that paid to be in the Tattle-Tale.

  • The Seniors said goodbye at the Junior prom.

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