Emily Brookfield
Emily Brookfield
Do you have any plans for the summer before your Senior Year?
I hope to attend Governor’s Scholar Program (GSP) this summer as well as working, and participating in Distinguished Young Women.
What are your goals or plans for your Senior Year?
I have a hard schedule for senior year, and I’m ready to tackle it. This year I was President of Beta Club and I’m going to run for President of NHS next year. Next Spring Break I’ll be going to Costa Rica and I’m going to work on raising money for that trip, and focus on graduating and leaving high school.
Do you have any idea of what you would like to study or which college you’ll attend?
My field of study will either be science or law, but I’m not sure what area of Science I would go into. The college I go to depends on my ACT score, but I for sure want to go out of state.
What’s been your favorite part or memory of high school thus far?
Having a boyfriend throughout the last three years and going to Europe over Spring Break this year.
What advice do you have for underclassmen?
Do take AP classes and push your academic abilities, but don’t make yourself go crazy. Do some stupid things that are dumb because no one cares.