Peter McGowan
Peter McGowan is a senior on the track and field and cross country team. McGowan has participated in track and cross county for four years.
We asked the following questions.
What skills have you learned while playing this sport?
Primarily leadership and responsibility because I have been the team captain for the past two years for cross country and a senior leader for the track team as well
What inspired you to play this sport?
For Cross Country (xc) myself mainly because I wanted to stay in shape for another sport that I ended up not doing because I joined track. What inspired me to pursue track is my family because in both sides my family did track either in high school and one went to college for track.
What is your fondest memory of the sport?
Breaking 5 minutes at regional last year and getting all scraped up my freshmen year.
Will you be going to college for athletics? If so where?
Yes, Spalding University
Do you have any advice you’d like to give to the rising senior athletes?
Listen to your coach and do what they tell you to do. Respect your team as well as other teams.