Marcus Givens goes up for a layup.
Marcus Givens: Basketball
Marcus Givens is a part of the class of 2020 at WCHS and has been playing the sport of basketball since he was 3. Deciding to play basketball was a heartfelt personal choice of Givens to follow in the footsteps of his Great Uncle who played at The University of Kentucky. So let’s get to know Senior athlete Marcus Givens.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment was making my teammates better every day seeing them improve and watching them play well day in and day out.
What was your fondest memory of playing this sport(s)?
My fondest memory is when Hunter got hurt and we were able to come back down by 24 and get a win for him; that’s the hardest I’ve seen our team fight.
What position do you play? What is your number? Are you a Captain?
I play small forward, my number is 25, and I am a captain.
What foods or drinks help you gear up and stay energized for the game/event?
I eat Skittles before every game sometimes even on the bench.
What is the best part about competing?
The best part about competing in the energy that you feel.
What is your favorite sports quote?
Going to war with your brothers and coming out of a win or loss closer together.
What emotions do you feel when you play well?
The emotions I feel when we play. Well, it’s hard to explain, I want to go out and show my teammates how much I love them.
What is your favorite song to listen to prior to competing?
I love to listen to anything, I just need something to keep my mind straight and keep me in the zone.
How does athletics make you a better student or worker?
Athletics makes me a harder worker because if I can put all my effort into basketball…why can’t I do the same for everything else in life?
What advice would you give your underclassmen?
The advice I would give to the underclassmen is don’t settle–reach the goal you think is impossible.
How has playing this sport affected you for your future?
Because it will make things that are possible easier.
Where do you plan on going to school next year? What do you plan on studying?
I want to go to a trade school and to be an electrician.
Who is your role model? Who do you look up to?
My role model is LeBron James. My moms’ side of the family is from Akron Ohio where LeBron is from and it’s amazing to see how he handles himself on and off the court.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Why?
I would be a lion leading the pack including everyone and leading them in a way that their weaknesses become one of their strengths