Ms. Lillie at her desk. (Photo By Jordan Murphy)
Ms. Lillie Coaches Her Way to Woodford County
An additional teacher for the special education program.
Danielle Lillie has been teaching special education for 7 years now. She was born in Pennsylvania and lived there for about 4 years before moving to Cincinnati, growing up there. She then went to college at Eastern Kentucky University and first taught at Mason county, then Clark county and finally here at Woodford. Lillie doesn’t remember much about Pennsylvania and normally just says she’s from Cincinnati.
Lillie coaches Special Olympics for the kids she teaches and she knew that we had a good team. She realized that she wanted to go into special education when she babysat a kid who had autism down the street from her. She realized that helping them felt really good and she wanted to do that all the time.
She said, “I heard many good things about the community that Woodford County had and when I started to teach here I really saw it. Even though I wasn’t from here they accepted me as one of their own within no time and the pep rallies are the best I have seen in any school.”
Lillie was impressed by the peer tutoring program. She said, “The students really care about the program and try in it.” It surprised her because the other peer tutoring programs at other schools were either non-existent or really bad.
She did want to know how much work went into the musical and plays along with what musical was happening this year. WCHS welcomes her with open arms and hopes she blossoms into an even more beautiful teacher.