Adding It Up with Ms. Winchester
Meet Ms. Winchester! She is such a joy to have as a teacher here at WCHS and is always willing to help students learn. She is from Lexington, Kentucky, and graduated from Lafayette High School. She teaches high school Mathematics, and has lots of prior teaching experience, as she taught 11 years at Bryan Station High School prior to coming to Woodford.
What do you enjoy most about being a teacher?
I love the relationships that I get to build with the students and seeing their face light up with that ‘aha’ moment and seeing that they suddenly get it.
What advice would you give to students?
Start a retirement account as soon as you turn 18 so whenever you’re old and gray, you have money that you can sit on and not have to go to work.
What is your favorite food?
Probably anything Mexican- burritos, tacos, all that fun stuff.
What is your favorite color?
What inspired you to become a teacher?
I was teaching fastpitch softball when I was in high school, and I was teaching it to 10 and 11-year-olds. I really enjoyed that moment of like I said earlier- the ‘aha’ moment, that reward of seeing the kids have the feeling of success. So, I decided that I would go into teaching after doing that.
Do you have any kids or pets?
I have two boys, a 9-year-old and a 5-year-old, and then we have a Shar-Pei mutt, her name is Alice and she is seven years old.

Did you play any sports in high school?
I played softball in high school and in college.
What is your life motto, or favorite quote?
It’s never too late to start.
What are your hobbies?
Anything crafting, sewing, painting… any kind of crafting, just being creative. And then I do some co-ed softball in the spring and summer, and then just hanging out with the boys and doing all the fun stuff with them outdoors, hiking, wrestling.